Daily Maintenance for block making production line 日常维护
*Clean daily
*Detail clean the internal surface of the mixer daily
*Cement scale à mixer (pipe), weekly
*Open gate (daily)
Block making machine:
*Clean all the remaining materials by manual mode
*Using hummer gun to clean the filling box daily
*Using hummer gun to clean the hopper weekly
*Clean all the dust daily
*Add grease oil into all bearings and movable parts monthly
*Check oil temp. and oil leakage daily
*Check sensor weekly
*Check the pump oil level every 6 months

Finger car, Cuber, Transporting device, Elevator/De-elevator:
* Clean all the dust daily
* Add grease oil into all bearings and movable parts monthly
* Check oil temp. and oil leakage daily
* Check sensor weekly
* Check the pump oil level every 6 months